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Reiki Jin Kei Do    is the practice of Reiki with compassion (Jin) and wisdom (Kei). It focuses on integrating these aspects (healing with compassion and developing wisdom through meditation) into our daily lives so it becomes a way of life (Do) as well as a healing practice. Click Reiki Training, if you're interested in learning to become a Reiki Practitioner.



Services . . . 



Qigong is a system of moving and non-moving meditation that facilitates the cultivation (Gong) and exchange of life force (Qi) between you and the universe. This exchange creates an energy that aids in your overall health by creating and maintaining a balanced state on all levels of your body, mind and spirit. Click Qigong Lessons for more information and pricing.





Clearing and qualifying the energy, in your home or office, to promote overall wellness. This service includes cleaning your space and teaching you how to clean your own space. Click Energetic Space Cleaning for more information and pricing.



These one-on-one sessions will allow you to determine and take responsibility for your own healing process. Together, we'll choose Reiki, Qigong, Meditation, Yoga and/or Dream Analysis as tools for you to experience, believe in and rely on your own healing powers. Click Self-Healing Sessions for more information and pricing.





Reiki is a light-touch, healing art that connects you with the Universal (Rei) Life Force (Ki) to aid in your healing process. It helps you reduce pain and stress, and promotes a quicker recovery from injury, illness, disease, anxiety and depression. It also helps you maintain a balanced state on all levels of your body, mind and spirit. Click Reiki Sessions for more information and pricing. 





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